This is the question I often get from yacht owners and crew.
The answer is, it depends on your expectations. If you want your paint perfect, as glossy as possible and protected once it is - then my answer is yes.
However, to some, perfection is not expected and just a clean yacht is enough. I would say, worry less about the paint correction but seriously consider a ceramic coating.
The term 'Ceramic Coating' is familiar to most yacht owners and crew. Ceramic coating is a clear liquid coat that, that sometimes, yacht owners and crew get applied before the delivery of their yacht.
Sio Protect manufactures a nano ceramic treatments for paint and gelcoat which lasts up to 12 months.
The Sio Protect treatment could easily be applied and re-applied without sanding, preserving the thickness of the paint layer and its guarantees. A light non abrasive polishing preparation will require before re-application of the treatment to give back to the highest level of gloss to the paint or gelcoat.

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of ceramic coating that you should know about !
Ceramic coating advantages :
Ceramic coating offers good protection to painted surface. The nano-coating can protect the yacht paint or gelcoat from most scratches, exhaust smokes, water spots, dirt and chemical contaminants. The Sio Protect ceramic coating also doesn't have any side-effects to the original paint. Since the coating is infused with the stock paint due to strong chemical bonding, the protection stays put even under heavy shocks and vibrations.
A yacht with ceramic coating is also easier to clean. The surfaces of a ceramic coated will be smooth. Such a surface offers no place for dirt to stick onto. Even if it does, a simple swipe with a clean cloth brings the yacht paint or gelcoat back to its radiant finish.
Earlier, yachts were given that extra shine by waxing. However, waxing is temporary and will eventually wear off. Both waxing and ceramic coating takes a considerable amount of time to be applied. But in the long run, ceramic coating is better than waxing due to its long life and better finish.
The long life of ceramic coating indirectly makes it highly cost-effective. In addition to all the above advantages, ceramic coating makes your yacht look so much better.
Ceramic Coating Disadvantages :
All the above-mentioned advantages of ceramic coating come at a high price. Ceramic coating application takes time.
Also, if not done correctly or professionally, ceramic coating might look worse than the original paint finish of your yacht. Everybody wants to keep their yacht in their best shine all its life.
Sio Protect offers good quality ceramic coating without sanding, good maintenance management and cost efficient.
At Sio Protect, we have tested, developed and optimized our coatings to perform best in the marine environment, ensuring our customers will get a coating that lasts.
This is a key factor when trying to choose the best ceramic coating for your yacht.

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